Subscription FAQs
How long is the contract?

The subscription does not have an end date; it is up to you to cancel the order when no longer needed.You can change your commitment at any time from your account page.

What if the price increases?

If there is a need to increase a price, we will get in contact to advise of the change before the price increase is implemented.

Can I change the details of my subscription?

We know that you may need to pause and adapt your subscription from time to time. If you log in to your account page you will be able to change your payment, put the subscription on hold, or change the
items on your subscription. If you need to change the frequency, or quantity, please cancel your current subscription and subscribe to a new plan.

Can I create a Subscription where I pick the selection of food?

Yes! You can create a food plan which is 100% unique for your four-legged friend. Our Create Your Own Box allows you to select 16, 24, 32 or 48 of our 400g sized chubs, or 11 of our 2kg sized chubs.

Read Our FAQ’s and Need Further Help?